Boas, Franz.(1911). La mente del Hombre Primitivo, New York: The Macmillan Company
Boas, Franz.(1995). Race Languaje & Culture, New York: The Macmillan Company
Boas, Franz. (1947).Cuestiones Fundamentales de Antropologia Cultural, Buenos Aires: Lautaro
Boas, Franz .(1928). Anthropology and Modern Life. Nueva York: Reed, N.Y.Dover.
Boas, Franz.(1911). Handbook of American Indian Languajes(v.1), Washintong: Goverment Printing Office.
Boas, Franz.(1995). Race Languaje & Culture, New York: The Macmillan Company
Boas, Franz. (1947).Cuestiones Fundamentales de Antropologia Cultural, Buenos Aires: Lautaro
Boas, Franz .(1928). Anthropology and Modern Life. Nueva York: Reed, N.Y.Dover.
Boas, Franz.(1911). Handbook of American Indian Languajes(v.1), Washintong: Goverment Printing Office.
Boas, Franz.(1922). Handbook of American Indian Languajes,(v.2), Washintong: Goverment Printing Office.
los libros que se encuantran disponibles en biblioteca son:
Boas, Franz.(1995). Race Languaje & Culture, New York: The Macmillan Company. (HUM)
Boas, Franz. (1947).Cuestiones Fundamentales de Antropologia Cultural, Buenos Aires: Lautaro. (CENTRAL)
Boas, Franz.(1911). Handbook of American Indian Languajes,(v.1), Washintong: Goverment Printing Office. (HUM)
Boas, Franz.(1922). Handbook of American Indian Languajes,(v.2), Washintong: Goverment Printing Office. (HUM)
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